Wednesday, 7 July 2010

day 12! Can't wait for it to double up!

Wednesday! Woot! If i were to be completely honest, things are not getting better and are in fact getting worse with the other two girls. So i was telling u guys that today's my only free day after class, i dun have anything in the late afternoon, so i wanted to spend more time on the assignment and sort of get it done if possible. So apparently they got mad because she wanted to go teddy bear museum or something, and her plans got whacked or something. Anyway, the two of them are out, and i'm here with sol doing work. so i sort of wanted to clear the misunderstanding as usual... and i was told that she is not very happy with the way things are because things aren't going the way that she expected it to be. Yup, that's exactly what i was told. So i think i actually pondered about that the entire class time. I seriously have no idea why i was so bothered by it, or so caught up by the whole situation, sometimes i wish that i wasn't made to be such a person. But i think after thinking it really hard and long, i decided that they will definitely not be a long term friend of mine, and when we're done with our degrees, i don't really think we will keep in touch and stuff. Or at least, they aren't friends who truly understand me and know me and stuff. So because of that entire thought, i finally think that its stupid of me to think and be bothered so much by people who are selfish and don't spare a thought for me either. I guess i thought that being together for about 2 years, they would know what kind of character i am, what kind of personality i am, i can always foresee what they will say about certain things that me and sol do, but it seems like up till now, they still don't know what kind of person i am. So i guess they don't really treat me as a friend too... so i think i'm done thinking about them as well.

So because of that wall that i guess we indirectly created, me and sol finally gotta have lunch on our own! Hee... waffles and gelato.

Nice right? And there's chocolate and espresso gelato as well =) Costs 9200 won, so its about S$10.50, shared between the both of us, and its surprisingly filing for me. Ha!
And then we bought back a bagel and doughnut for each of us, and i got my cappuccino again, nice =)

And seriously, its really not a crime to stay home and complete homework and not go out right? Please enlighten me really.

Oh and i took shots this morning of my site in black and white, let me know if its better as compared to the coloured ones okie?

What do you guys think?

Anyway, our prof went through the saying that " there is no place like home ".
In one way, it can mean that there is certainly no other place that can be compared to the warmth and likes of our own house, and that that is indeed the best place to be.
However, in another way, it can also mean that it is non-existent, it does not belong in reality. It is just a fantasy and a fragment of our imagination.

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